Sunday, June 21, 2009

Music everyone should get to listening too.

This is music ya'll should listen to. most of it should be stuff you many not have heard. So this is the music I love. There's plenty more, but these are just the things that are mostly overlooked and the things that are so good they could never suffer from over exposure.

A great song by a great band.

as good live as it is recorded, if not better.

definitely a favourite.

this one is a Defining album, and song, for my high school years. "I just got this symphony going" by The Fall of Troy.

A little too awesome, Battles performing "atlas"

ridiculously catchy Sia singing "the girl you lost to cocaine"

Gomez "in our gun" my first dabblings in Indie Rock started a bit with these guys. Before that it had all be Jazz, Ska, and Punk of various stripes.

This is an obvious influence on so many artists, and I'm not going to pretend most people haven't heard David Bowie, but he's so good. David Bowie, doing Rebel Rebel.

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